( 010 / 018 ) Inspiration Ahead Oppo Art direction 2022
Video for the innovation accelerator from OPPO Research Institute.
Empowering technology professionals and entrepreneurs to bring innovative solutions to life and create a better future together.
Art direction: Sarah molano & Arnau gracia
Art assist: Genaro Molano
Stylist: Néstor Reina
Stylist Assist: Paula Velasco
First AD: Dani Velázquez
DOP: Nauzet Gaspar
First AC: Paula Capdevila
Second AC: Francesc Chico
Key Grip: Sebi Grip
Production company: Agile films
Executive producer: Richard South, Seth Whitfield
Producers: Jordi Estapé, Carles Pauné
Production Manager: Jamie Tarr
Script Development: Emma Parkinson
Treatment Designer: Jordan Coolbear
Storyboard Artist: Thayden Rich
Rider: Xavier Hopkins
Stunt Rider: Pau Jorba
Stunt Camera: Ignasi Jorba
Drone: Drone Labs, Guido Manuilo, Nico barrera
FVP OP: Raúl Martinez
DIT: Xavier Pastor
Gaffer: Gerard Bufi
Sound: Dani Molas