( 015 / 018 ) One Plus 4 campaign launch One Plus Art direction 2024
Lifestyle and product photography for the launch of new phone models. Photos showcased at the Milan launching event.
Art Direction: Sarah Molano, Arnau Gracia
Standby Props: Paula Lavandera
UK Production Co: Agile Studio
EP: Richard Jsouth
Producer: Jordi Estape
PM: Edwin Brawn
Service Production Co: Altiplà
Local Producer: Paunezz
Key Pa: Ari Sanz
Local PM: Miquel Agell
Local PC: Núria Armesto
Prod. Runners: Paula Baviera, Onthego bcn, Marc Soler, Toni Coromines
Photo. Asist: Martin Gustavo
2nd Photo Asist: Nahuel Style
Digitech: Narcis Rovira
Gaffer: Pau Ramirez
Styling @nestorreina
Styling assist. @paula.vela
MUAH @grmuasty